Development done differently
Link Logistics is focused on developing best-in-class facilities tailored to market demands on infill sites close to urban cores. On average, our properties are located within a 30-minute drive of 1 million people. Every land parcel we select is carefully chosen based on its specific location and proximity to the end consumer.
Development by the numbers
of development across the U.S.
projected costs
A closer look at our developments
Q&A: How Link Logistics Brings Infill Projects to Life
Chief development officer Britt Winterer details firm’s unique capabilities and focus on last-mile real estate.
People make it happen
National Development Team
Britton T. Winterer
Chief Development Officer
Eric Gilbert
Managing Director
Joe Williams
Managing Director
Joseph Winning
Vice President, Northeast
Timothy Aguilar
Vice President, Northeast
Liz Gabor
Vice President, East
John M. Martin
Vice President, Northeast
Camilo Rios
Vice President, Southeast Region
Brian Strohl
Senior Vice President, Central Region
Piyush Kohale
Vice President, Central Region
Tom Cruikshank
Senior Vice President, West Region
Rachel Hickenbottom
Senior Vice President, West Region